20K? YAY! Dapper Dexter started Instagram less than a year and a half ago. I’ll try to keep this short and get straight to the good stuff 😉. Since day 1 I’ve put my whole heart and soul into this company. Constantly thinking of ways to give you the best quality products. Redesigning and improving products when needed. Listening to your feedback and suggestions on new products you’d like to see from us (new stuff coming soon, promise!). And working all the hours possible to ensure orders are shipped out in a timely manner. Did you know Dapper Dexter also makes puppy blankets for dog breeders AND has 40 retail locations that carry our products? We seriously couldn’t be more thankful. From the bottom of my heart thank you for supporting this business. Thank you for supporting this dream of mine. Stay tuned for a 20K giveaway! Seriously, love you all! 🙌🏼💕🐶🐶